The basic purpose of this machine is forming a collective pack, wrapping it in foil and tightening the packs by heat reduction of the foil. The individual packs being formed must be resistant to the heightened heat of the shrink tunnel which provides reduction to the foil, i.e. the tightening and protection of the collective pack.
The way this machine functions can be devided into three segments:
Collective pack formation
A string of sugar packs coming from the filler machine is redirected to form the 10/1kg collective pack, after which it is wrapped in heat shrink foil which is seem welded and cut.
Shrink tunnel
After the collective pack is formed, it is guided into the shrink tunnel in which the shrink foil is heat reduced as a consequence of heat, and tightens the pack to a compact whole.
The time of passage for the pack through the tunnel is defined by terms determined by the process technologist, and depends on temperature, speed, type of foil, etc.
The cooling zone with a cooling fan is found at the shrink tunnel exit.